Thursday, 18 October 2012

Why I succeed and fail

Life does strange things, it really does.....

We question everything and desperately try and find ways to explain why things happen.

I guess the reality is that things just "happen" sometimes, we have to learn to accept that.

Based on this, I want to give people a few people why I succeed and fail, this may help, it may not. You may think I am a arrogant twat, you may not, but here goes....

I succeed because....

I live my own life
I never let anyone else tell me what I can and can't do
I will walk away from anyone who tells I can't do anything, no matter who they are
I will enjoy the small things
I will be in awe of the big things
I will love myself and the one live I have
I will respect and love those who respect and love themselves
I will not gossip
I will not complain
I will use integrity even if that means upsetting people
I will apologize whether I am "wrong" or not
I will move my ego out of the way
I will feel blessed to have the things I have
I will not envy or miss the things I don't have
I will respect nature
I will work hard
I am kind
I know my mistakes
I am proud of my mistakes
I love people in all their diverse wonder
I will not rest until the job is done
I will honor my body and health
I will find myself and my purpose

And most of all, I will succeed because I fail, I hurt and I take the blows with dignity.

F@#k motivation and just turn up


Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Party? That's bullshit.....

I must be getting old....

I have noticed over the last few years that music videos and reality TV are now sending out the message that life is one big party....

On what planet?

Don't get me wrong, life is fun and is a great adventure if you treat as such...

The problem is that these images and creations make you think that you can party all the time and live it up. There are some people on this planet that can do this,  the really, really rich people that don't need to work.

The reason that most rich people don't need to work is down to the fact that they had to work lie dogs to get in that position...

The new wave of good looking people go clubbing all the time is not real and by sitting there watching it, you don't give yourself even the remotest chance of getting anywhere near it.

I am really conscious of "preaching" hey if you want to watch "Towie" that is your bag and no one should judge you for that. The problem is the message that teenagers and kids are getting, thinking that life is one big ball of fun and parties.

It isn't, it is a roller coaster of emotions, challenges and loss. Good times and bad times. We are not teaching people how to handle the ups and downs and then telling them that life is one big party. Not cool.

Everything costs money and to earn money that gives you the flexibility to do whatever you want, takes a HELL of work, no partying, no TV and you have to have stamina.

For me, this work is the fun bit, but for most people making the decision to choose a more "positive" path, it isn't much fun at the start.

For life to be a party, it needs to be earned. Simple as that....

(Party pooper)


Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Don't take it personal

I have a few little rules that I live by. These have developed over time and now seem to keep me from really going insane!

I have some things that I believe are necessary life skills as well. These aren't talk in schools or by most parents but in my opinion are essential to get through the challenges....

The first one is this, don't take things personally....

Tough, tough and mega tough.......

The reason not to take things personally is quite simple and again in my opinion is one of the "keys to the car"


People can only think about themselves......


Sorry, no need for sarcasm but seriously, think about it. We only judge things based on our own lives and own perceptions. Based on this, people can only think about themselves and their own experiences when they do and say things.

Here is the funky bit....

If this is true (and reckon it is) then when people attack you personally they have to base their opinion on their own experience. This means that it cannot physically be personal as no one can tell you who and what you are.

We have coached over time to believe that we aren't in control of what goes on. Trust me, you are.....

In my opinion, no one can judge you. No family member, no company and no religion. You know you and you know what you want.

Be your own person, listen to your inner self and be happy.

Don't take shit personally and keep moving.....



Monday, 1 October 2012

The system works.....hang on a minute

After talking about nature, it makes me think about the system.....

Nature is a system and the good news is that the system works.....

You have to work though, if you work, the system does....

Here lies the problem, things like 9-5 Monday to Friday have been created to make us think that work and god dam it even life have structures that we need to box ourselves into.

The box you will end up in is the box that carries you to your final resting place. When that time comes, what will you have wanted to do with your "one wild and precious life"

Personally I would rather lose everything than fit into the structures that have been created to make us "labour" and turn some of us into mindless drones.

Lessons learnt here, you life is your own. Every choice you make is yours as well. Let no one tell you there is   a set path where you need to head. That includes me.

The point? Look back at the system and look at nature. Nature rewards that which is "earned" if you want the good stuff, then you need to break society rules (not the law) Things that have been designed to make you think you are not the most creative, beautiful and dam unique creature on earth.

Every decision counts folks, use it wisely. Live your own life and make your choices. The hardest thing you ever do is fighting back. Anyone who made themselves ill or broke and says life is hard is lying, I am sorry but they are lying. You know why? The excuses come easy....

If you want a good life and a memorable one, for my money at least, having no excuses and taking full responsibility for everything is the hardest thing you will ever do.

Guess what though? When you pass, you will look back and say "fuck me, I had a go"

Leave a mark, start today.....
