Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Don't take it personal

I have a few little rules that I live by. These have developed over time and now seem to keep me from really going insane!

I have some things that I believe are necessary life skills as well. These aren't talk in schools or by most parents but in my opinion are essential to get through the challenges....

The first one is this, don't take things personally....

Tough, tough and mega tough.......

The reason not to take things personally is quite simple and again in my opinion is one of the "keys to the car"


People can only think about themselves......


Sorry, no need for sarcasm but seriously, think about it. We only judge things based on our own lives and own perceptions. Based on this, people can only think about themselves and their own experiences when they do and say things.

Here is the funky bit....

If this is true (and reckon it is) then when people attack you personally they have to base their opinion on their own experience. This means that it cannot physically be personal as no one can tell you who and what you are.

We have coached over time to believe that we aren't in control of what goes on. Trust me, you are.....

In my opinion, no one can judge you. No family member, no company and no religion. You know you and you know what you want.

Be your own person, listen to your inner self and be happy.

Don't take shit personally and keep moving.....



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