Thursday, 27 September 2012

Self help sucks!

I am quite a spiritual person....

I like balance, kindness and generosity.....

I can however get a little bit edgy with the whole "self help" thing......

This week I saw a couple of things that got my goat. Lets be honest, we are on the sell to a certain degree, just be honest.

Most of us have products or services that we have to distribute in order to make living.

On this basis, let's be honorable and give people support and guidance. People don't need patronizing or "patting on the head" People certainly don't need "fixing" either.

Listen I am a bad ass mother fucker that devotes his life to the service of others. My biggest mistake though is my "I am more holier than thou" bullshit. I apologize if I have ever come across this way.

This is why most modern day self help sucks beyond belief! It's cheesy and patronizing and makes me sick.

I am not right, I am just saying in my opinion that as people who choose to help people,  we should stop being false. If you are on the sell, then cool but don't give the spiritual one and look through your nose at people.

This fluffy nonsense isn't going to dig us out of the shit that we are currently in. Most "guru's" have never been there and experienced what the bottom of the barrel looks like and most people that need help don't give a sac of monkey crap what you think you are.

The classic is last weeks "leisure industry week" which showcased in all it's spandex clad glory an industry that is failing. Obesity costs this Country £16 billion per year, I don't think it's time for us to raise a chemical filled glorified milkshake in celebration just yet...

I rest my case....

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