When people ask me what I do, I say the following:
"I am a personal trainer, bootcamp owner, weight loss coach, life coach, sales and marketing expert, NLP student, social media expert, online marketer, author, blogger, athlete.....oh and I love talking about myself"
I must admit I do like a good chin wag about myself, going back to transparency, my personal battle with making for those lost "fat" years has been both interesting and fun.
I can be judgmental and sarcastic when talking about weight loss and life but hey that's me. I have tried to change and I don't like it. Here lies the first lesson, being yourself is the most important thing in personal development. This is bar none in my opinion. Let me tell you a great motivational mantra that I use and is printed bold as brass on my wall at home:
"Blame no one, expect nothing, do something"
Powerful shit that......
This leads into the point of this little post. If anyone (that doesn't know me ) think that I am some sandal wearing, silver spoon, perfect, floating, fluffy guru is seriously fucking mistaken (yes I said fuck)
This journey started with a 18 stone, 15 a day B + H smoker, insecure, scared beer monster deciding to change.
I grew up in a working class family and my Dad worked his arse off to give me and my "eccentric" brothers everything we wanted. I turned this generosity into a irresponsible, overweight, dependent, lazy lump of unhappiness. My fault, pure and simple. This isn't a sob story, it is an illustration of where I have come from.
I have read books on confidence, emotional intelligence, stress, depression, people skills, motivation and also how to work with the laws of nature and the universe.
If you are reading this and you think you have had a hard life, that's cool. I will never judge anyone for the life they have led.
If you are willing to be, do and have everything you want then put your hand in front of your face, breath on it and get going, If you can breath, you can change.
To finish this semi egotistical post,what some of you see today has took years of practice, study and heart ache. It isn't easy but DAM worth it.
Trust me......
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