Sunday, 23 September 2012

Sex, lies and perfection

Lies......not cool. I could write about this for hours and hours

So here is a question, how many lies do you think we are told on a daily basis?

I believe we are told quite a few. Not because people are bad, just because we have evolved to believe things that really aren't true.

Let's start by the lies we tell ourselves. The first one is perfection versus practice. Have you caught yourself saying "I can't do x" or something of that nature?

I have, here is the classic I said to myself......"I can't lose weight because I can't afford new clothes" I mean, can you imagine if I believed that? Frightening! I got on with it and achieved my dreams.

How many lies do you tell yourself on a day to day basis? Is it logical that we believe we can't do something without even trying? It's amazing how we stop ourselves from making some serious progress by untrue beliefs.

I don't subscribe to the whole "You can do it" motivational mantra stuff. Guess what? If you really believe you can't do something, nobody can tell you otherwise.

The real key is having the ignorance to try and try without making it perfect until you achieve your goal. Just because you can't go to the floor on a press up now doesn't mean you won't be able to in a few weeks time.

If you are a perfectionist then (in my opinion) that is a cop out for failure. Let me give you a quote:

"Winners take imperfect action while losers are perfecting their plan"

By never trying shit because of timing or circumstance is wasting the essence of why we are here. To make every moment count!

Keep trying and remember, no one gives a crap about you do, they are only concerned about themselves.

Lying to yourself burns more than trying new things...

Trust me....

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